…From across the seas
America their destination
…Waves upon Plymouth Rock brought their migration.
to a beautiful land beyond their imagination
Bi..Bible in one hand…gun in the other, they forged a federation
to this day they claim it was over taxation
…Thus, begun the journey of colonization.
cleansing the land of its indigenous population
almost to the brink of annihilation
…King James Bible meant salvation…The gun domination.
…Imperialism being the corner stone of their foundation.
Church and State…no separation
…Dominance resides in the spirit of their deliberation.
on the backs and lives of millions created a great nation
…Desecrated Native lands by erecting great plantations.
for those who were God’s dark creation
…Under veiled emancipation
cursed and subjected to exploitation.
…After 500 hundred years of inhuman classification…degradation
humiliation…I still hold out hope we as a people of this Nation.
use our past as an inspiration.
to force the supremist into assimilation
or become the product of deportation
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